Step 1:
Sign In to Pure Charity with your personal email address and password.
If you have access to your Nonprofit's account in Pure Charity, you should have already created a user account in our system. This is the email you will use to Sign In to Pure Charity.
After you Sign In you will be redirected on your personal Dashboard. This Dashboard is designed to help you access your personal statements, payment sources, campaigns, and Nonprofit's Account.
Step 2:
You will see your Managed Field Partners accounts listed on the dashboard. You can select which account you would like to access by either clicking the avatar bubble or clicking "View All" and selecting the account on the next screen.
Please Note: If you do not have nonprofits listed you may have not been added as an Admin for that Nonprofit account, or you have not accepted your Nonprofit Admin invite. Please contact your Nonprofit's Pure Charity Admin and ask them to send you an invite to become a Nonprofit Admin.
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