Step 1: Go to and select "SIGN IN" in the top right-hand
Step 2: Enter your username and password. Your username will be your email address where you receive Pure Charity notifications. Your password was created by you.
Still having trouble?
Here are a few possible reasons why...
If you're not sure what your password is, click "Forgot password" on the Sign In screen and an email will be sent to your email Inbox with instructions on how to reset your password.
If you are trying to login and you see the screen below it means you have an unconfirmed account.
Step 1: Select "Re-send Confirmation Email Now" and you should see a blue notification bar appear across the top of the screen instructing you to check your email for confirmation instructions.
Step 2: Check your email for confirmation instructions and select "Confirm My Profile" to set your password.
Still need help? Please contact Pure Charity Support.
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