Please Note: The following steps work for canceling any Payment Methods used for recurring donations including Apple Pay and PayPal.
If you are attempting to cancel a recurring ACH donation that was set up prior to April 15th 2024 then follow the instructions on this article: How to Cancel a Recurring ACH
The below video will walk you through how to Edit, Cancel or Pause a recurring donation.
Canceling a Recurring Donation:
Step 2: click on Donations
Step 3: click on Recurring Donations
Step 4: click Cancel to end your recurring donation.
Pausing a Recurring Donation:
Step 2: click on Donations
Step 3: click on Recurring Donations
Step 4: click Pause
Step 5: Once paused a button labeled Resume will appear. When you are ready to restart your recurring donation simply press Resume.
Editing a Recurring Donation:
Step 2: click on Donations
Step 3: click on Recurring Donations
Step 4: click Edit
Step 5: From the edit screen you can edit the dollar amount and/or the donation date. Click Update Recurring Donation once finished.
Still need help? Please contact Pure Charity Support.
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