If your sponsorship program contains more than 30+ sponsorships, you have the availability to import your sponsorship program.
Here are the instructions to make your import go smoothly and efficiently: Sponsorship Import Guide.
If you've already completed your initial import and need to edit your sponsorship program, then follow these easy steps.
Step 1: Download the existing data. When using the import tool to make bulk updates to your sponsorship program, it is important to first download the sponsorship data in the system. This will ensure you maintain all important information.
- Step 1a: From your sponsorship dashboard select 'Import' on the left-hand menu, then select 'here' to update the existing program in bulk.
- Step 1b: Select 'Current Sponsorships Export' to download your existing data in a csv format.
Step 2: Update the data. Open the file downloaded in step 1b and update the desired data. This is also where you can add any additional profiles that you'd like to add to the sponsorship.
Step 3: Import the data. Follow instructions in the Sponsorship Import Guide to import new and updated information to your sponsorship program.
Still need help? Please contact Pure Charity Support.
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